Chapter 15: Scars are a Man's Medal of Honor _1


There were sighs from the surrounding people.

"Showing off is addictive, huh!"

Someone muttered quietly.

"Right, Zheng Li is so powerful, even if he can't beat him, it's not shameful. But to be so blind to kindness and pretend, Gu Yuexi, your boyfriend is really quite special!"

A charmingly dressed woman sneered, looking at Lin Chen with some contempt in her eyes.

Zheng Li's expression also turned cold, and he looked at Lin Chen with more disdain, sneering, "I think you just don't dare, Lin Chen, isn't your military background made up too? Killing skills? Haha, what age is it, have you watched too many war movies? We're in a peaceful era now, have you really been to the battlefield to kill enemies? Tell me, which unit were you in? Let me be enlightened!"

As someone from the Special Forces, Zheng Li scoffed at Lin Chen's words. Soldiers like him, in the most dangerous combat missions, only caught some desperate criminals on the border. They had never been to the battlefield, and he didn't believe Lin Chen had experienced it either.

And after Zheng Li's words fell, everyone's gaze became even stranger on Lin Chen.

"No wonder, even the identity of a veteran is made up!"

"Yeah, it's so funny, killing skills, are we still at war? Haha, I'm dying of laughter!"

Someone sneered.

Seeing this scene, Wu Jiajun was overjoyed. This was exactly the situation he wanted.

Gu Yuexi also became a little confused, looking at Lin Chen, whispering, "You didn't make it up, did you? I'll be so embarrassed this time!"

"Yeah, I made it up! So what, do you regret having me here?"

Lin Chen was amused by Gu Yuexi's expression and casually replied.

"Hmph! Keep pretending! Whatever, I don't care, we'll just lose face together. You wait for me, I'll get a few drinks!"

Gu Yuexi rolled her eyes playfully and then climbed up and went towards the tent.

Watching Gu Yuexi's back, Lin Chen was stunned, and then his heart warmed. He didn't expect Gu Yuexi to react like this. After a faint smile, Lin Chen's eyes gradually became sharp, glanced at everyone, and finally landed on Zheng Li. He slowly opened his mouth, "Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist! There are people standing in front of you, holding everything with their blood and lives, protecting you behind them. That's why you can see this peaceful world. The cruelty of those in the smoke of war is beyond your imagination. Instead of sitting here and mocking, you should be thankful that you haven't experienced it!"

Lin Chen's words suddenly silenced everyone. For some reason, there was a strange charm surrounding Lin Chen at this moment.

"Pfft, showing off again? Addicted to it? Lin Chen, according to what you're saying, are you one of those people?"

Wu Jiajun reacted quickly, sneering and speaking again, breaking the atmosphere at the scene.

At that moment, Gu Yuexi came out of the tent with a few drinks, and Wu Jiajun immediately ran over, trying to use this opportunity to please Gu Yuexi.

Wu Jiajun's words made everyone slightly startled, and then there was anger in their eyes, looking at Lin Chen discontentedly. Good heavens, they almost fell for his bluff.

Zheng Li also sneered, sarcastically saying, "I don't know if what you said is true or false, but I'm sure that even if these people do exist, you're not one of them! Lin Chen, someone like you who can only feign grandeur, I'm afraid the army wouldn't even want you. You don't have the qualifications to be a soldier at all!"

"Whether I'm qualified or not, it's not up to you!"

Lin Chen chuckled softly, looking into the distance with a complicated expression, then murmured, "Instead of arguing about meaningless things here, you should think about how to survive later!"

"Lin Chen, what do you mean?"

Zheng Li looked puzzled, not understanding the meaning behind Lin Chen's words. But soon, a scream gave him the answer.

Zheng Li turned his head and found that the scream came from a woman with red dyed hair. Zheng Li recognized her. The woman's name was Gao Xiaomin.

At this moment, Gao Xiaomin was looking at a hillside not far away with a terrified expression, her whole body trembling: "Wha...What is that?"

Everyone's attention was drawn in an instant, and they looked in the direction that Gao Xiaomin was pointing, and then everyone's faces changed.

"A tiger?"

"Damn, how is there still a wild tiger in these mountains?"

Everyone looked up towards the hillside, only to see a tiger the size of a calf staring at them with chilling eyes.

"Don't move, don't move, so you don't attract its attention."

Lin Chen reminded everyone in a low voice.

"Ah, we're in trouble. Wu, Yue Yue!"Suddenly, Gao Xiaomin's face changed again, and she screamed in horror.

At this time, everyone noticed Gu Yuexi, who was crawling out of the tent holding a drink, just dozens of meters away.

The tiger seemed to have spotted the closest Gu Yuexi as well and let out a roar like a train, rushing towards her.

Yet, because Gu Yuexi was facing away from the slope, she could only see the terrified gazes of the crowd and had no idea what was happening.

At this moment, Wu Jiajun, who was closest to Gu Yuexi, noticed the approaching tiger, and his face turned pale: "Zheng Li, hurry... hurry... save me!"

Upon hearing Wu Jiajun's plea, Zheng Li's face darkened. However, he was no match for the tiger, and even with ten lives, he wouldn't be enough. If he didn't act, though, Wu Jiajun and Gu Yuexi were undoubtedly doomed.

For a moment, Zheng Li was caught in a dilemma.

Just then, the tiger was already upon Gu Yuexi and Wu Jiajun. Overwhelmed with terror, Wu Jiajun wet his pants and, in utter desperation, flashes a malicious glare before pushing Gu Yuexi towards the tiger.

Seeing this, everyone was dumbfounded!

Wu Jiajun's push made Gu Yuexi fall to the ground, becoming the tiger's primary target. As a result, he now had a chance to escape.

Caught off guard by this sudden turn of events, Gu Yuexi couldn't react in time. It was only when she fell to the ground that she saw the tiger pouncing on her.

For a moment, Gu Yuexi even forgot to scream as she sat blankly on the ground, her face pale and her mind blank. She could even feel the heat and stench from the tiger's mouth.


This scene made everyone scream, and some girls even closed their eyes in fright.

"Grass Mud Horse's Wu Jiajun!"

Lin Chen's soul was in jeopardy, and his overwhelming anger surged. Then, everyone heard a furious shout, and Lin Chen's figure turned into an afterimage.

At this moment, Gu Yuexi had no awareness of the outside world. In her eyes, all she saw was the tiger's gaping mouth growing larger in her field of vision.

"Am... am I going to die like this... sob..."

Great despair filled Gu Yuexi's heart, and this thought was the only one in her mind right now. Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she finally closed her eyes resignedly.

That's when Gu Yuexi suddenly felt a strong impact on her body, and she then found herself being lifted into the air. She only felt a warm chest surrounding her, carrying a familiar scent.

Gu Yuexi opened her eyes and saw Lin Chen's sharp-featured face in front of her.

Lin Chen held her tightly, but in doing so, he completely exposed his back to the pouncing tiger and took a solid hit.


A muffled sound accompanied the tearing of clothes.

Gu Yuexi felt a great force coming from Lin Chen's body, causing severe pain in her chest, and Lin Chen's face twisted in pain as well.

"Lin Chen..."

At this moment, Gu Yuexi felt as if she was in a dream, experiencing a sense of unreality as she whispered Lin Chen's name.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Lin Chen smiled faintly, and his gentle voice resounded in Gu Yuexi's ears. At this moment, something deep within her heart was stirred...

Lin Chen rolled while holding Gu Yuexi, but the upper half of his clothes were still torn to shreds by the tiger.

An immense feeling of weightlessness made Gu Yuexi involuntarily close her eyes. When she opened them again, she found herself safely on the ground. Upon seeing Lin Chen in front of her, Gu Yuexi let out a cry, her eyes turning red. Covering her mouth, she couldn't help but burst into tears: "Lin Chen, you..."

At this time, the crowd in the distance couldn't recover from the things that had just happened. In such a short amount of time, Lin Chen had crossed nearly a hundred meters and saved Gu Yuexi, even going head-to-head with the tiger. Was he even human?

But Lin Chen did it right before their eyes!

And when everyone's gaze returned to the half-naked figure in front of them, they suddenly gasped in unison.

"Oh my god!"

The girls were just like Gu Yuexi, covering their mouths and sobbing. This was such an amazing body...

At this moment, Lin Chen, with his shreds of clothing, had his upper body exposed. Covered with dense bullet holes and scars like intertwining dragons, his body exuded a shocking and awe-inspiring murderous aura...