Chapter 16: He is a Truly Admirable Person _1

"Zheng Li... What's the deal with the scars on Lin Chen's body, who... who is he really..."

Finally, someone couldn't help but ask Zheng Li with a trembling voice.

At this moment, Zheng Li was still unable to recover from the shock. It was only when the others asked him again that Zheng Li looked at Lin Chen with a bitter and complex expression, casting a deep glance at Lin Chen's heavy, mountain-like back figure.

"We were all wrong!"

After a long time, Zheng Li let out a bitter smile: "Lin Chen, he is a man who truly deserves our awe. I can't believe I actually doubted him just now..."

At this moment, Zheng Li had no more doubts about Lin Chen, because these scars and bullet holes couldn't be faked. These marks are a soldier's most honorable medals!

Zheng Li suddenly remembered Lin Chen's words just now.

"Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist! There are people standing at the forefront, carrying everything for you with their blood and lives... And the cruelty in those real battlefields is something you can't even imagine..."

Zheng Li suddenly felt like a clown.

After a long silence, Zheng Li looked at Lin Chen's back and slowly raised his hand to salute him solemnly.

From a distance, Lin Chen also noticed Zheng Li. Seeing Zheng Li's action, Lin Chen smiled faintly and returned the salute as well.

"Be careful, everyone, I'm going to help Lin Chen!"

Seeing Lin Chen's response, Zheng Li felt a surge of blood rushing to his head, his whole body boiling with excitement. He seemed to be back in those years of glorious military service, carrying out missions with his comrades side by side.

After saying those words, Zheng Li rushed over without hesitation. But just now, when Wu Jiajun had sought his help, he hadn't been so decisive.

However, the scene that followed left Zheng Li dumbfounded, even letting out a curse.


Before he could even reach Lin Chen, he saw Lin Chen raise his fist and punch the six-hundred-pound tiger directly.

Has this guy gone crazy?

That was the first thought that popped into Zheng Li's mind.

And in an instant, Zheng Li saw that after Lin Chen's punch, the tiger rolled away like a sandbag, about dozens of meters. In the end, the beast groaned a few times and escaped into the woods without looking back.

He punched a six hundred pounds heavy tiger so far away?

What kind of freak is this?

Did he just recklessly want to fight such a freak?

Zheng Li suddenly shivered.

The rest of the young men and women were also shocked, and like Zheng Li, they all burst out: "Damn!"

Lin Chen didn't know about the reactions of the people, as he had carried Gu Yuexi back.

"That beast ran fast! But don't worry, even if it didn't die from my punch, it must be severely injured and won't come out again anytime soon!"

Lin Chen came back and reassured everyone.

Everyone looked at each other, speechless...

He almost punched a tiger to death?


At this moment, Gu Yuexi looked at Lin Chen with fascination, the emotions in her heart grew more and more intense, and a nameless affection gradually arose.

"Come down, do you want me to hold you like this all the time?"

Lin Chen smiled and started to speak, but before he could finish his sentence, Gu Yuexi directly pressed her lips onto Lin Chen's.


The surrounding young men and women also began to shout and cheer, and the atmosphere suddenly reached an unprecedented climax.

On the side, Wu Jiajun's face turned extremely gloomy, like an outsider, unwilling to say anything. After all, he still had wet pants.

Seeing that no one cared about him, Wu Jiajun got up awkwardly, and turned back to the tent to hide. He didn't have the face to stay here anymore, as no matter how he explained it, the fact that he was frightened and wet his pants could not be changed!

"Lin Chen, this is your reward!"

Gu Yuexi, fascinated, removed her lips from Lin Chen's mouth.

Lin Chen was slightly stunned, then smiled bitterly, looking at Wu Jiajun's disappearing figure, and whispered to Gu Yuexi: "He probably won't have the face to see you again. We don't need to take this act to such an extreme, right?"Gu Yuexi suddenly stared at Lin Chen unblinkingly and said, "What if... I wasn't just acting!"

"Cough, cough..."

Caught off guard by her words, Lin Chen started coughing.

"Forget it, I'm just teasing you. I wouldn't find you attractive anyway!"

Gu Yuexi fiercely jumped out of Lin Chen's arms, smiling playfully. However, in her heart, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

"Lin Chen, I'm sorry for what happened before. I apologize to you," Zheng Li walked over with a serious face.

"It's a small matter, don't worry about it. By the way, Wu Shao left. Aren't you going to check on him?"

Lin Chen said with a laugh.

"I was only hanging out with him because I saw people following his lead, but to make a woman take the blame for him in such a critical situation, I, Zheng Li, won't be associated with him anymore!"

Speaking of Wu Jiajun, a look of disdain flashed across Zheng Li's eyes.

"That's right, Brother Chen. We came here with Wu Jiajun, but our relationship isn't that close. After all, there's a lot of drama in our circle. From now on, Wu Jiajun probably wouldn't have the face to hang out with us again..."

The surrounding young rich second generations all started calling him "Brother Chen."

"Brother Chen, you saved our lives today. From now on, you're our real brother! If there's anything you need, just let us know!"


As the rich second generations recalled the recent incident, they went from fear to excitement.

Lin Chen, with his top off, had nearly punched a tiger to death with a single fist. What is a fierce man?

This is a fierce man!

Even just experiencing such a scene could be bragged about for a lifetime!

Lin Chen didn't stand on ceremony and laughed, "You said it, so remember if I need your help in the future, don't run away."

Gao Xiaomin patted her full chest enthusiastically and said, "Brother Chen, from today on, you're my idol. If anyone does such tasteless things, I'll cut ties with them!"

A rich second generation named Lei Kun echoed, "Brother Chen is capable and down-to-earth. It's our good fortune to know him. We didn't recognize a treasure like Mount Tai before!"

Gao Xiaomin stared at Lin Chen with shining eyes, "It's a pity that Brother Chen already has a girlfriend. Otherwise, I'd definitely chase after him. He's so manly!"

Lei Kun laughed, "You could ask Brother Chen if he'd mind having an extra girlfriend."

Gu Yuexi sat beside Lin Chen. Although she knew everyone was just joking around, she couldn't help but feel annoyed. She cursed with a smile, "All of you get lost! Lin Chen is my boyfriend, and whoever dares to steal him, I'll cut ties with them!"

Lin Chen held the canned drink and smiled without turning his head.

Although he had saved Gu Yuexi, he didn't intend to use that as a way to further their relationship.

The purpose of his visit to Pingjiang was to get the jade pendant and find out about his origins. After setting the ground rules with Chu Jiaxue and confirming their marriage as a farce, Lin Chen seemed like just a passerby in Pingjiang.

Since that's the case, there's no need to leave any attachments.

With Lin Chen's endorsement, the atmosphere naturally became lively.

That evening, everyone drank well into the night until it was time to rest. Lin Chen and Gu Yuexi went into their two-person tent.

There was no light in the tent. In the darkness, the two lay side by side, their breaths audible to each other.

Gu Yuexi was wide awake. She tilted her head slightly and looked at Lin Chen's shadow in the dim light, her mood uncertain.

Suddenly, some sounds from a nearby tent spread into Gu Yuexi and Lin Chen's ears, making them uneasy. Although the noises were faint and seemed to be suppressed, it still stirred the nerves of the two.

In the darkness, both of their breaths seemed to waver a bit more, like a small stone cast into a calm pond, causing ripples.

In the darkness, Gu Yuexi's face flushed, her heartbeat accelerating as if it would burst out of her chest.

Thinking about the events of the day, she suddenly realized that she might have started to like the man beside her.

It wasn't just gratitude but true affection.

It seemed that apart from his lack of family background and wealth, this man was full of virtues and exuded male charm all over.

Gu Yuexi bit her lip and gathered courage. She tentatively reached out for Lin Chen's hand.