Chapter 50: Do You Know How I've Spent These 20 Years? _1

The banquet was not held at a hotel, but at the Mo family's residence.

It was a family dinner.

The Mo family's residence was located in Donghuayuan Block 9, known as Pingjiang's top villa complex. The luxurious standalone villa, the enormous lawn and garden as well as the swimming pool all demonstrated their wealth and status.

As the car drove into the Mo residence, Lin Chen noticed that there were people patrolling and guarding all around the villa.

"As expected of a luxury villa area, the security here is really top-notch."

Mo Junwu explained: "This is not the general community security, but personnel from Flying Dragon Security Company, whom we have hired with high salaries."

Lin Chen casually asked: "Hiring so many security personnel, is someone trying to harm your family?"