Chapter 51: A Fist to the End _1

"Young lad, you think you can stand up for others?"

Shang Shijie looked at Lin Chen with contempt: "You seem to be a distinguished guest of the Mo family. So, today is just your bad luck. You'll go to hell with the Mo family."

Lin Chen stared at Shang Shijie and said calmly, "Mr. Mo is right, you really are a madman."

Shang Shijie glared ferociously, "You call me a madman, huh, then go ahead and die!"

With a flick of his hand, Shang Shijie's dagger turned into a dark glow, shooting towards Lin Chen's heart.

Lin Chen casually stepped forward, his body slightly tilted, and his right hand reached into the air, effortlessly catching the dagger.

With a flick of his hand, Lin Chen threw the dagger back at Shang Shijie with even greater speed.

Shang Shijie was shocked and hastily dodged. The dagger grazed his face, leaving a bloody cut.

Blood oozed out of the cut, making his face more vicious-looking.