Chapter 216: Don't Ask, Don't Even Think About It! _1

Lin Chen blinked, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

Is this even a question to ask?

As a normal, healthy young man, sharing a room and even a bed with a young woman who has both a good figure and pretty face, yet not engaging in any intimate contact. Can you say he's not distressed?

Lin Chen touched his nose: "Why are you suddenly asking this? It's kind of awkward."

Chu Jiaxue's face also reddened, but since she had asked, she wanted to know the answer: "I'm just curious. Sometimes I think about this question too, but I'm not a man, so I can't understand a man's feelings."

The atmosphere in the room seemed to become ambiguous all of a sudden. After all, the relationship between the two was close, but they had not yet crossed the boundary of physical contact.

Lin Chen replied more tactfully: "No offense, but living with a beautiful woman like you who has a great figure can be quite torturous. Sometimes it is indeed very agonizing..."