Chapter 217: Am I Really That Unattractive? _1

Lin Chen's hand landed on Chu Jiaxue's back, Chu Jiaxue's body suddenly stiffened, but she didn't move.

A fire also ignited in Lin Chen's heart.

He wasn't a saint.

Even knowing he shouldn't take things further, words, atmosphere, and the environment had all led to this step, and as a man, he subconsciously wanted something to happen.

After all, the woman in his arms was his legal wife, certified, and more importantly, she didn't seem to have a refusal.

Lin Chen lowered his head towards Chu Jiaxue's face and gently kissed her closed eyes.


Chu Jiaxue suddenly let out a sound, her body seemingly electrocuted, sprung up from Lin Chen's embrace, didn't dare to look into Lin Chen's eyes, put on her shoes, and reached out to grab her disheveled bathrobe as she ran out.

Pulling open the room door, Chu Jiaxue's body hesitated for a moment: "I'm sorry, my mistake... Go to sleep early."

Chu Jiaxue left hurriedly, closing the door to the early morning room with a bang.