Chapter 221: Is It The Kind Of Security We're Thinking Of? _1

"At your classmates' gathering, they are all senior executives and bosses. As a mere security guard, why are you dragging me along? Aren't you afraid of losing face?"

Gu Yue Xi, holding Lin Chen's arm, unreservedly pressed against him: "Even if you are a security guard, you must be the most handsome one. I'm not afraid."

Lin Chen said with a laughter: "At this gathering, you talk about how your family's chain business is expanding, and they talk about how their company is going public. I wouldn't be able to join the conversation and might get ridiculed and slapped."

Gu Yue Xi giggled: "No problem, just tell them confidently that you are a security guard. Then I'll tell them I like security guards, just to piss them off."

Lin Chen teased her: "It seems you have quite a few admirers."

Gu Yue Xi pouted: "Most of them are a bunch of middle-aged sleazy men with wives and children at home. They think they are so charming and want to try out an affair."