Chapter 222: Money Can't Corrupt You, But What About Beauty? _1

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and in this instant, no matter how tactful these elites were, they didn't know what to say.

Mocking? Consoling?

Obviously, neither were appropriate.

Someone broke the silence and asked, "Miss Gu is from Pingjiang, right? Does Mr. Lin also work in Pingjiang?"

Gu Yuexi replied with a smile, "He used to work as a salesperson in the Sales Department. Recently, due to work needs, he was transferred to Linhai. I had to accompany him, so I signed up for this class, not only to be with him but also to learn something new."

For a moment, everyone didn't know how to react.

Work needs?

Not to mention how sales was doing, but what kind of operation is it for the company to transfer a salesperson internally to become a security guard?

Security guards are everywhere. A recruitment notice can fill positions in minutes. Is it necessary to transfer someone from Pingjiang to Linhai?

You, a salesperson, and a security guard, do you have that much charm?