Chapter 247: You Want to Break My Leg? _1

The sky darkened, and the vast open space outside the agritainment was illuminated by countless lights as bright as daylight. Luxury cars, one after another, continuously drove into the huge parking lot. The roar of engines kept ringing, and the atmosphere gradually became lively.

It was the hot summer season, and scantily-clad pretty women were shuttling through the crowd. The laughter that rose and fell added some heat to the air.

Lin Chen stood on the side, hands crossed, observing this summer night's revelry.

Among those who came to play were people dressed in designer brands, driving luxury cars, others drove cars worth 100,000 to 200,000, some took taxis, and some came on motorcycles. They all had one thing in common: they were all young, basically under forty years old and featured many young people of eighteen or nineteen.

The streetlights on both sides of the road had already been lit, but the visibility was not very high due to the distance between them.