Chapter 248: If You Really Have Such Ability, Why Are You Still a Security Guard? _1


Amid the subtle sound of broken bones, a shrill scream suddenly pierced the night sky.

The smile on Liao Chengzhi's face, who was puffing on a cigarette, suddenly froze.

The one screaming was not Lin Chen, but his friend!

The man's lower leg had a shocking bend. You could imagine that not only was his leg bone broken, but it was completely twisted!

Fear showed in Liao Chengzhi's eyes; how could this be possible?

His friend was a cultivator capable of producing inner qi, a single punch could kill a cow, and a single kick could bend a steel pipe, yet Lin Chen cleanly broke such a strong leg!

Lin Chen was also a cultivator!

Even much stronger than his friend!

Liao Chengzhi felt chills, goosebumps instantly covering his body; he looked at Lin Chen in horror, unable to understand how a cultivator could be a security guard, guarding the gate!

With this ability, being somebody's bodyguard would easily yield a million-dollar annual salary!