Chapter 321: Just Treat Me as if I'm Clinging to Your Thighs _1

Lin Chen looked at Ouyang Le's retreating figure disappearing into the darkness, a puzzled expression on his face.

"Who is this old man? I haven't even thanked him yet, and he just left like that..."

Chu Jiaxue replied: "I only know his name is Ouyang Le, he's a Great Grandmaster. He was invited by my grandfather to help us. He said he used a favor for this move, but he had sworn in his early years that he would not take action against the people of Chu Family, so we couldn't ask for his help against Chu Family directly."

Lin Chen suddenly realized: "Today was really mysterious. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I would have died here today. I also need to thank you, this favor of yours has saved my life."

Chu Jiaxue shook her head: "If you weren't helping me, you could have found an opportunity to deal with Chu Xuankong directly. There was no need for all this trouble."

Lin Chen smiled casually: "Fine, since we're a married couple, I won't be a stranger to you."