Chapter 322: Can We Not Divorce? _1

"What does the old man mean by picking you up in three days?"

Chu Jiaxue explained, "He said he wants to take me to meet someone and take some kind of test. He didn't give any more details, just that my grandpa has already agreed."

A test?

Since Chu's Old Man had agreed, Lin Chen didn't ask more, just asked, "How long will it take?"

"I don't know, he didn't say."

Lin Chen nodded, "Alright, if anything happens, just call me."


Lin Chen thought for a moment, "There are still three days left. I will basically complete the preliminary division of the Chu family's assets. Do you have any specific assets you want most? I'll try my best to get them back for you."

Chu Jiaxue knew that since the Chu family was destroyed, the next step would be the division of their assets. She thought for a while, "I don't really care about the assets, and it doesn't matter to me. I just want to get my parents' house back. It has memories of my childhood and memories of our entire family."