Chapter 323: Lai Yiliang's Spring _1

"This villa was where Miss Chu's family used to live. I have already instructed someone to clean it up, and you and Miss Chu can move in anytime. Once you sign this document, the villa will become Miss Chu's property."

"The relevant persons Miss Chu requested have also been properly arranged."

"We have discussed among ourselves, and this is the rough allocation plan. Take a look, Lin Chen. If you don't agree, we can adjust it."

Lin Chen received the allocation plan, browsed through it, and replied, "It seems to be more than the 30% we talked about earlier."

Leng Yucheng: "None of us expected that Chu Family would invite Zhu Zi'an as a strong reinforcement. If it wasn't for Miss Chu inviting Ouyang Le, and you, Lin Chen, breaking through to become a Great Grandmaster, the siege on Chu Family would have ended in failure. Not only would we have failed, but we would also have gained an enemy in the Chu Family - a loss not worth the effort."