Chapter 382: If You Want to Live, Don't Make Me Unhappy _1

The faces of the Shenyun Sect members changed, and their gazes all fell on Lin Chen's face.

Wu Wenjing angrily said, "You didn't fully heal Elder Zhang!"

Lin Chen faintly smiled and said, "I said before that I could heal him by seventy or eighty percent, ensuring that his strength would not be lost, and I've done that. I never said I could completely cure him..."

Lin Chen's gaze swept over the members of the Shenyun Sect mockingly, his tone sarcastic, "I just finished saving someone, and before the silver needles are even removed, Elder Zhang is already looking at me with murderous intent, eager to cross the river and dismantle the bridge, and kill the donkey. For my own safety, I have to keep a life-saving trick, don't I?"

Everyone was speechless for a moment, and annoyance flashed across Zhang Yun's face. "Doctor Pan, how long can I prevent my illness from recurring?"

Pan Yonghe pondered for a moment, "One year."