Chapter 383: Break the Net Even If The Fish Dies? She Doesn't Dare _1

When Lin Chen appeared in the martial arts arena again, everyone's gaze at him was completely different than before.

An extremely skilled 27-year-old Grandmaster in Medicine!

With his own strength, he hard-pressed to subdue the Shenyun Sect, from small to large, and in the end, he made the Innate Grandmaster of the Shenyun Sect kneel down and admit his mistakes!

Such a reversal gave everyone a thrill while also earning a few more admiring looks from the crowd for Lin Chen.

Although a Great Grandmaster is formidable, he dared to challenge the Shenyun Sect, which had three Innate Grandmasters. Such a person, with unyielding bones, achieved what everyone else could not, naturally earning admiration.

Xu Lanshan and others came forward to greet Lin Chen. Xu Meiling hurriedly asked, "How is it? Did you save her?"

Lin Chen replied with a laugh, "Of course I saved her. Otherwise, would they let me walk out so easily?"