Chapter 429: Still Making Excuses, Yet You Came Forward Yourself? _1

"Bro, you really helped me out today. Otherwise, if I refused, that guy would definitely keep pestering me, making it very awkward for everyone in the end!"

Lin Chen said with a laugh: "I was afraid of disturbing your romantic moment earlier, and I didn't plan on coming up."

Feng Tangtang rolled her eyes: "Don't even mention it, romantic moment my ass, I wanted to kill him at that time, it was so embarrassing."

Feng Tangtang handed the flowers to Gu Yuexi, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, here are your flowers, returning them to their rightful owner."

Gu Yuexi didn't take it, and said with a smile: "These are for you."

Feng Tangtang's eyes widened in surprise: "Really? I thought they were for sister-in-law, and you just had lent them to me to help me out."

Lin Chen said with a laugh: "They're for you."

Feng Tangtang's face immediately lit up: "Thank you, brother, thank you, sister-in-law!"