Chapter 430: Are Students Nowadays Really This Overbearing? _1

"Cut him!"

The leading man nodded his chin, and two subordinates immediately pounced at Lin Chen.

These two subordinates had practiced martial arts; they were capable of handling two or three grown men with no problem. As for the leading man, he was a cultivator who had mastered inner qi.

The leading man did not intend to take action himself, as dealing with a young man in his twenties should be more than enough for his two subordinates!

Lin Chen didn't dodge.

At the same moment the first man reached out to grab Lin Chen, Lin Chen counterattacked with a backhand slap that landed directly on the man's face.

The man's head buzzed, and it violently jerked to the other side, followed by his body.


The man fell sideways to the ground, several teeth flying out of his mouth. His face swelled up like a pig's face, and his mouth was filled with blood.

When the second man charged forward, Lin Chen casually raised his leg and delivered a forward kick.
