Chapter 472: Han Xuecheng's Repayment _1

Invite me?

Lin Chen was pleasantly surprised but also filled with great doubts: "An official invitation?"

Han Xuecheng shook his head: "It's an invitation from the Han Family."

Lin Chen asked in surprise: "Such a big event, and the authorities don't know?"

"They know, but aren't the higher-ups in the authorities from the major sects and families? At this time, which powerful sect or family would want to miss this kind of opportunity? Even if you stop them, won't those people sneak in anyway? They all belong to wealthy families; who's afraid of whom?"

Han Xuecheng said with a wry smile: "It has been discussed many times, but there's no other way. In the end, the authorities had to compromise. In addition to dispatching a significant number of official search teams, they also allowed powerful sects who knew the information to organize their own five-person exploration teams to enter the underground city and search. The findings would belong to each individual."