Chapter 473: Kid, You Deserve to Be Taught a Lesson! _1

There were lights at the entrance of the underground cave, and people gradually made their way down one step at a time, eventually entering the ancient tomb and stopping in front of a massive ancient coffin.

They lined up, silent as they approached the ancient coffin. Lin Chen jumped in as instructed, his body suddenly falling, enveloped by a strange buoyancy that made him feel incredibly light, like a feather drifting down.

After a while, the scene brightened before Lin Chen, and his feet landed firmly on the ground. The crowd ahead of him began to appear in his field of vision once again.

"Alright, now each exploration team can move around freely. The exploration period is ten days. After ten days, all private exploration teams must leave. If anyone wants to leave before that, just come back here, but I have to remind you: once you leave, you lose the qualification to re-enter."

"I wish you all good luck."