Chapter 524: Are You Here to Seek Immortals Too? _1

Gu Lie felt deeply insulted.

As a peak Great Grandmaster, Gu Lie was a top-level existence at the foot of this remote Kunlun Mountain. Coupled with his identity as the Sect Master of the Tiemu Sect, his word was law in Ding City. But now, he had been brazenly insulted by a young man in his twenties.

The young man challenged both him and Zhao Jian, two Great Grandmasters, to a fight!

Seeing Zhao Jian step forward, Gu Lie was relieved.

Shouldn't someone come forward and give the young man a wild beating, then step on him and tell him that our Sect Master is not someone who can be challenged so easily?

That would be so awesome!

However, Gu Lie's relief lasted for less than three seconds before it was shattered by Lin Chen's fist, replaced by deep fear.

It's over!

This kid is a demon!

Looking at the situation, even if he is not an Innate Grandmaster, he must be a Great Grandmaster who can easily defeat other peak Great Grandmasters.