Chapter 525: This Scenario Seems Familiar, Running Away from Home to Escape a Marriage? _1

Twenty-seven years!

Lin Chen suddenly felt a jolt of energy. Could it be just a coincidence?

Lin Chen asked, "What happened?"

Gu Lie thought for a moment, then carefully explained, "Twenty-seven years ago, I wasn't the Sect Master of the Tiemu Sect yet, just a Grandmaster with Elder status. One day, a beautiful young woman suddenly appeared in our sect. She looked like a fairy..."

As Gu Lie spoke, he subconsciously paused and glanced outside, as if worried that the young woman he mentioned would appear before him in the next second.

Zhao Jian, who was sitting beside him, also had an uneasy expression on his face, with a faint trace of fear in his eyes.

Lin Chen noticed Zhao Jian's expression: "You know about this too?"

Zhao Jian replied softly, "I was an Elder in the sect at the time as well."

Lin Chen turned to Gu Lie: "Continue."