Chapter 631: Clearly Lacking Strength, Why Pretend to Be a Top Player? _1

Lin Chen was secretly shocked in his heart; an expert was indeed an expert, seeing his cultivation realm at a glance.

Lin Chen respectfully saluted, "Cultivator Lin Chen from the human world, I have met the Cave Master!"

The middle-aged man was naturally the Cave Master of Nanyue Hengshan Cave Sky, Shi Changsheng. His eyes calmly fell on Lin Chen, "Who taught you your cultivation method?"

Lin Chen honestly replied, "I once participated in exploring the fallen Liangchang Mountain Cave Sky and saw the remains of Senior Liu Sansheng. I obtained his relics, a sword, a Haoran Jue manual, and a Breaking Yuan Pill..."

"Liu Sansheng?"

Shi Changsheng's eyes brightened slightly, "I once had an encounter with him. Although somewhat pedantic, he was a rare, upright person. His strength was not bad; how did he die in Liangchang Mountain Cave Sky?"