Chapter 632: What's the Big Deal About Killing Two People? _1

Lin Chen caught the Water and Fire Mirror, his heart filled with joy.

It seemed that Shi Changsheng had a good impression of him.

Or perhaps it was all ultimately due to Liu Sansheng?

Shi Changsheng seemed resentful towards Liu Sansheng's choice, but on the other hand, he had only met Liu Sansheng once and had a good impression of him, even admiring him in secret.

If it were someone unimportant or unrelated, there would be no need to bear a grudge after their death, right?

Having inherited Liu Sansheng's Haoran Jue, Lin Chen was nominally his disciple, so it was natural for Shi Changsheng's attitude towards him to be different.

Lin Chen chose to reveal this matter for two reasons: one was his connection with Liu Sansheng, and the other was that many people knew about it, so in any case, it would be exposed in the future. If Shi Changsheng found out that he had deceived him, the consequences would be severe.