Chapter 633: Dealing with Women, Gifts are Always a Good Idea _1

"Lin Chen!"

Lin Chen was tidying up his Cave Mansion when a crisp female voice suddenly came from the entrance.

Lin Chen hurried out of the cave and found a beautiful young woman standing at the entrance.

"Hello, who are you?"

The young woman glanced at Lin Chen and laughed lightly, "My name is Qingling, I am Sect Leader Qiao Wei's personal maid. Following the order of the Sect Master, I am here to deliver some items to you."

"Miss Qingling, hello! Please come in and have a seat."

Qingling smiled and entered, "I heard that you came from outside?"

Lin Chen nodded, "Yes, I just arrived."

Qingling curiously asked, "What is the outside world like? Can you tell me about it?"

Lin Chen naturally wouldn't refuse. Sect Leader Qiao Wei was Cave Master Shi Changsheng's disciple, and Qingling was Qiao Wei's personal maid. As a newcomer, it was crucial to establish a good relationship with them.

"Of course."