Chapter 725: Fortune Comes to the Mind, Divine Intervention _1

When Feng Jixin revealed the spherical magical treasure with a diameter of one meter, Gu Yuanjie's face suddenly turned pale and he blurted out in shock, "Guiyuan Shenlei!"

Su Mubai's face also changed drastically, and he shouted, "The spiritual energy shield can't block it, go quickly!"

Lin Chen's heart sank. Although he didn't know what Guiyuan Shenlei was, Gu Yuanjie and Su Mubai's words had already explained a lot of problems.

The city was about to be breached!

Without wasting any words, Lin Chen threw out his shuttle-shaped flying boat, jumped on it, and prepared to flee.


The Guiyuan Shenlei exploded violently, and Lin Chen staggered, almost falling to the ground.

The spiritual Qi column connecting the Spiritual Array and the spiritual energy shield instantly grew several times brighter, with the spiritual energy in the column rising like a reversed waterfall. In just a moment, countless Spirit Stones were evaporated.