Chapter 726: Are You Thinking Too Beautifully? _1

The Guiyuan Shenlei shattered the City Defense Spiritual Energy Shield, and Nascent Soul Expert Feng Jixin descended like a demon. The cultivators of Bai Tao City felt their hearts filled with a chilling sense of despair.

After all, Feng Jixin had said that once the city was broken, not a single cultivator would be spared!

When Feng Jixin pursued Lin Chen, Lin Chen's shout of "Run!" reminded everyone. They all prepared to flee, either by controlling their swords or summoning flying boats, their hearts filled with terror.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Qingling gritted her teeth, rushed into the room, picked up Qiao Wei, and rushed back to the courtyard where Gu Yuanjie had already prepared the flying boat.

Just as Qingling was about to step onto the flying boat with Qiao Wei in her arms, Lin Chen's voice suddenly resounded throughout the city from the sky.

"Everyone, there's no need to run anymore. Return to your positions, Feng Jixin has been captured!"