Chapter 768: So You Talk with Your Fists Instead of Reason, Right? _1

"I have liked her, but I never confessed it."

Feng Lan whispered, "Your father said that if he hadn't met me, he probably would have ended up with Miss Tang. But matters of the heart..."

Feng Lan didn't finish, but Lin Chen understood.

He had liked her, but it was probably only a liking, and since this affection was never expressed, that meant he and Miss Tang never opened their hearts to each other or defined their relationship.

If he had not met his mother, this liking might have allowed them to end up together. But when he found his true love in his mother, he could only feel sorry for Miss Tang.

Lin Chen pondered for a moment: "Do you know where Miss Tang resides?"

"Tianxuan Peak, Cave 499."

Feng Lan looked up and stared at Lin Chen, "Do you want to see her?"

Lin Chen nodded honestly: "Yes."