Chapter 769: How About I Ask Sect Master Tang to Judge This?_1

Bi Fang!

Chen Yi's robe suddenly shone brightly, and a spiritual energy shield appeared, blocking most of the flames. However, a small part of the flames still fell on them, causing them to cry out and scream continuously.

Lin Chen watched with a smile.

By the time Chen Yi and the others extinguished all the flames, they all appeared quite embarrassed. Chen Yi was relatively better off, but the others with him were quite miserable. Their clothes were scorched with many holes, and one even had a large chunk of hair burned off.

Chen Yi's face darkened: "You dare to run wild on Kunlun Mountain, don't you want to live!"

Lin Chen laughed: "Do you want to keep calling for help? It's fine, just go ahead, I'll wait for you."

Chen Yi's gaze was somewhat uncertain. There was no Beast-controlling Sect in Nanyue Hengshan, but Lin Chen was able to control two Nascent Soul Stage Demonic Beasts with his Golden Core Stage strength. This guy had quite a mysterious background!