Chapter 809: The Might of the Eight-Armed Arhat_1

The climax is here!

Everyone's spirits were lifted, and all eyes were focused on Zhao Feiyu's face.

Zhao Feiyu calmly took a sip of the tea in front of him, didn't answer Zhu Yao's question, but asked instead: "The True Dragon Secret Realm in Central Divine State will open next year. I suppose everyone knows about this, right?"

Taiyi Sect's Xiao Rulong leaned on his chair, his eyes slightly narrowed: "The True Dragon Secret Realm opens once every hundred years. The major sects of the seven states of the Barren Wilderness will send disciples into the Secret Realm for exploration. There is an unwritten rule in the Secret Realm that cultivators over a hundred years old cannot enter. So, only the younger generation of cultivators can enter."

Zhu Yao grinned: "Who doesn't know that? Why'd you bring it up?"

Lin Chen's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.

You all know, but I don't.

Forget it, I'll ask Senior Sister later.