Chapter 810: He's Showing Off Too Much, I Don't Like Him_1

The hundreds-of-feet-high Eight-Armed Arhat floated in mid-air, resembling a divine spirit, majestic and radiant, causing people to subconsciously admire it.

Zhu Yao was surrounded by golden blaze, wielding endless flames. The entire sky had turned into a sea of fire.

As the Eight-Armed Arhat waved various weapons, Zhu Yao wasn't afraid at all.

Golden flames surged and instantly split into nine dragons composed of blaze. Eight of them flew towards the weapons swung by the Eight-Armed Arhat, and the last one attacked Zhao Feiyu.

"Nine Dragons Burning World!"

"Good heavens, has his Zhu Family's Divine Fire Technique reached such a level?"

"The Heavenly Daoist Body facing the Fire Spirit Body, this is such a great show."

Everyone was discussing the intense battle in the sky.

Zhu Yao seemed to be the source of the divine fire, with fire dragons constantly splitting and attacking Zhao Feiyu. The Eight-Armed Arhat waved various weapons behind him, destroying the world.