Chapter 813: The Little Ghost Meets the King of Hell, It's Settled_1

A black light rapidly approached from the horizon, finally turning into Tang Li's figure, suspended in mid-air.

Tang Li looked at Lu Daoren, who seemed as peaceful as a partridge, then at the man in blue clothes with a gentle smile, her gaze slightly puzzled: "Who are you, sir?"

The man in blue clothes answered, "Nanyue Hengshan, Li Ping'an."

Tang Li's complexion changed, and she bowed in salute, "Greetings, Senior. I am Tang Li, a third-generation disciple of Kunlun."

Li Ping'an gently asked, "Why did you come after us?"

Tang Li hesitated before saying, "Lin Chen is the son of my senior brother Lin Yuan. I want to capture Lu Daoren to find out the truth about the matter."

Li Ping'an smiled, "Lu Daoren is just the executor, and the mastermind is Zhao Feiyu, the Son of Kunlun. Miss, as a Kunlun disciple, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Tang Li bowed in salute, "It'll be great if Senior Li could decide."