Chapter 814: Can Nanyue Disciples Be Killed, But Kunlun Disciples Can't Be Killed?_1

Zhao Feiyu's face was cold, and his thoughts raced quickly in his mind.

He never expected this scene to unfold.

That bastard Lu Daoren, he failed to kill someone, exposed his identity, and should have run away far. How dare he still come here?

Bold as brass!

In the blink of an eye, he had a plan.

"Lin Chen visited Kunlun Mountain and had disputes with many Kunlun disciples. A fight broke out and many disciples were injured, one of them being my cousin, Zhao Ping from Tian Shu Peak. He asked me to deal with Lin Chen, but if I were to do it directly on Kunlun Mountain, it would undoubtedly be bullying and tarnish Kunlun's reputation."

Zhao Feiyu appeared calm: "So I let Lu Daoren, who had just entered the Transforming God stage, take action. If he escapes, this matter will be dropped, and it's considered a lesson for him. If he's killed, then he's dead. How can my fellow Kunlun disciples be humiliated?"

Lin Chen opened his eyes wide, looking surprised.