Chapter 822: Seeking Wealth and Honor in the Face of Danger, Going All Out_1

The Golden Lion, like a golden lightning bolt, chased after Li Ping'an. Many powerful demonic beasts that were drinking water also rose into the sky and joined in the pursuit.

Qiao Wei watched as Li Ping'an and the others disappeared from sight, whispering, "I'm going, don't move."


Qiao Wei's figure soared, turning into a streak of light, and headed straight for the central Spiritual Spring.

With the Golden Lion guarding the Spiritual Spring absent and many powerful demonic beasts gone, plus the fact that the beasts might not have expected a second wave of invaders, Qiao Wei easily rushed to the sky above the Spiritual Spring.

Qiao Wei slapped the Spiritual Spring with a palm in mid-air, causing the spring water to splash up. She waved her right hand through the air, and the splashed waves of spring water seemed to be attracted, forming a torrent that flew into a large jar held in her left hand. In the blink of an eye, the large jar was filled.