Chapter 823: Blessing in Disguise?_1

Lin Chen hid underwater, feeling incredibly tense.

A Great Demon with strength comparable to the Void Stage was just dozens of meters above him, searching for him like a relentless God of death. If he were discovered, undoubtedly, his fate would be extremely miserable.

Lin Chen clung firmly to the bottom of the pond, staying completely still, turning himself into a lifeless stone.

After a few seconds, Lin Chen felt an invisible divine sense sweep over him, but it didn't linger for long.

Senior Brother's Life and Death Seal is really useful!

Lin Chen secretly let out a sigh of relief, and now he only had one problem left - how to escape.

The Golden Lion failed to find anything after searching the entire valley, and quickly flew off into the distance. But the various demonic beasts that had followed it didn't leave, instead staying behind and continuing to queue up to drink water.