Chapter 985: You Really Are of the Same Lineage, the Upper Beam Unstraight, the Lower Beam Crooked!_1

Do not touch the blood-colored mist at any cost, or death is inevitable!

Gui Chang's warning echoed in Lin Chen's mind, instantly realizing why the four Immortal Slaves retreated.

They must have triggered a blood fog formation nearby, planning to trap everyone with the blood fog!

Lin Chen subconsciously wanted to warn everyone, but his gaze suddenly caught An Ziwu in the crowd, and a plan formed in his mind.

"An Ziwu!"

Lin Chen shouted, drawing everyone's attention.

Lin Chen approached An Ziwu step by step, sternly saying, "You despicable villain! I took the initiative to stand on the edge of the team, hoping to help Dajia fend off more undead, reducing casualties. Yet, you hid in the middle of the team, not only refusing to help but even attacking me from behind and throwing me into the Sea of the Undead!"

Everyone's gaze instantly focused on An Ziwu, stunned.