Chapter 986: Are You Worthy with Just a Nascent Soul?_1

Guo Ruhai, humiliated by a junior in public, was immediately furious: "Didn't your elders teach you how to respect your seniors?"

As he spoke, Guo Ruhai reached out with one hand to grab Zhu Yao, obviously intending to make Zhu Yao an example for others and divert everyone's attention.

Before Guo Ruhai's giant hand could touch Zhu Yao, a white-haired old man snorted coldly, appeared in front of Zhu Yao in a flash, and threw a punch. The sky was filled with fire, directly shattering Guo Ruhai's giant hand.

The old man sneered: "The men of the Zhu Family are upright and righteous, yet some people are shameless and despicable. There's no need to treat them as elders. I think he's quite right. Is this what all of you from Penglai have become? No wonder each generation is worse than the last!"

Guo Ruhai's face was instantly flushed with anger, truly humiliated by those words.