Chapter 1075: Deadly Trap_1

"You better not try any tricks, or I'll make your soul scatter instantly!"

Luo Yuan turned to Yelü Yuan and said, "Unseal him first. With us here, he won't be able to run."

Yelü Yuan nodded and undid the seal on Xu Xianxiang.

Xu Xianxiang moved his wrists around and stood at the top of the sacrificial altar. He recited an Art spell, and a blood-red light cluster suddenly appeared in front of him.

The light cluster grew larger, emitting a strong stench of blood and containing a massive amount of spiritual energy.

Lin Chen frowned. Was it necessary to use such a large amount of energy just for a transmission?

Xu Xianxiang used both hands to press the blood cluster into the gap in the center of the sacrificial altar, causing it to vanish instantly.

Beneath countless emerald-green vines, a thick blood light suddenly bloomed. In the blink of an eye, the blood light spread throughout the valley, and a terrifying aura began to rise.