Chapter 1076: What Kind of Ghostly Thing Is This?_1

The nine-section whip whistled through the air, striking towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's forehead emitted the Emperor's Seal, which collided heavily with the nine-section whip.


With the tremendous impact, Lin Chen turned pale. The backlash was so strong that if he hadn't reached the Transforming God stage, he would be spewing blood by now.

Luo Yuan was a true Great Circle of Void Separation expert, one of the top experts in this world.

Lin Chen, with his Early-stage Divinity Transformation strength, clashed against a Great Circle of Void Separation, and it was partly due to his own strong Sword Bone and the power of the Emperor's Seal that he didn't die straight away from the whipping.

This sudden scene surprised both Yelü Yuan and Gao Yi, but they were not fools. The Blood Light radiating from Luo Yuan already revealed his identity!

Luo Yuan was also a demonic cultivator of the Refining Path, and he was aligned with Xu Xianxiang!