Chapter 1131: I Want to Cling to Your Thighs, Don't Say You Don't Know Me_1

Destiny Binding?

Lin Chen blinked and then laughed.

Well, binding it is then.

Xuanji Fairy had said that she had a significant background, and her father was obviously an important person!

The group that wanted to kill her didn't dare to do it openly, they had to do it secretly, and not let her father know about it. They even closed a whole ascension channel just to seal off the information.

If he could help Xuanji Fairy resurrect and return to the Immortal Realm, wouldn't that be a great merit for himself?

When the Fairy resurrects and ascends to the Immortal Realm, clinging to her thigh shouldn't be a problem, right?

If one person achieves immortality, even their chicken and dog will ascend. At the very least, his relationship with her should be on better terms, right?

There might be risks, but the rewards are huge too.