Chapter 1132: Your Information is Outdated_1

"Desolate Sea, such a fitting name, it really is desolate here..."

Lin Chen floated in midair, looking down at the sea below.

The Desolate Sea was located in North Wu State, an extremely large inland sea, connected by a narrow strait to the Extreme Ice Sea in the north of North Wu State.

The water of the Desolate Sea was as black as ink, giving off a depressing aura. And because it was an inland sea, the water was calm and lifeless.

A grey mist hovered over the Desolate Sea, extremely low, covering the entire sea area and hiding the many islands.

The Desolate Sea was known as a Dead End, partly because it was said that the deepest parts of the sea were thousands of meters deep and inhabited by many super ferocious giant beasts, which were said to be the Demonic Beasts left over from ancient times, and secondly because those islands held unknown dangers, causing countless adventurers to never return.