Chapter 1309: Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will kill you!_1

The golden palm seal fell and the White Dragon Robe gleamed brilliantly before shattering into golden light points that scattered in the air.

Lin Chen glanced down at his White Dragon Robe in surprise and delight. He had taken a strike from a half-immortal and was unexpectedly unscathed!


The White Dragon Robe had a defensive effect against attacks by half-immortals, reducing at least 40% of it, and his strength had increased immeasurably since he achieved the Great Circle of Void Separation.

Powered by his strength at the Great Circle of Void Separation, the Xuanwu Barrier's defensive capability had greatly improved, and the Sword Qi released from his Sword Bone drastically increased in power.

Despite Zhao Jia's palm strike seemingly breaking through the Xuanwu Barrier and shattering the Sword Qi, its strength was significantly weakened by then. Then, facing the ultra-defensive White Dragon Robe, how could it penetrate the defense?