Chapter 1308: Blast You into Thin Air_1

Lin Chen devoured Zhao Ting!

Now, what remains alive is the Cultivator who entered the Mystical Immortal Island with the Bewildering Immortal Order, not his own little brother, Zhao Ting!

Li Wudao does not know exactly what happened in Lin Chen's Sea of Knowledge, but he is very certain about this conclusion. After all, on closer thoughts, the speech and behaviour of Zhao Ting were indeed exaggerated, unlike the actual him.

How can a Cultivator's Primordial Spirit devour the Soul of an Immortal?

Due to this inertial thinking, even though Li Wudao found it strange, he didn't ponder over it much.

Now he realizes that he was hugely mistaken!

This Cultivator might have come specifically for the woman who was captured!

He came to rescue her!

Where is he hiding currently?

Li Wudao swept his Divine Sense around in all directions, but at this moment, a dull explosion suddenly resounded.

The mountain cave!