Chapter 1383: Surround him, don't let him escape!_1

Liu Qianyun and the others sat cross-legged at a distance, waiting quietly.

Feeling the terrifying aura from Lin Chen, everyone's hearts were trembling.

He is too strong!

He is only in his thirties, just entered the realm of Human Immortal, and he already has such strength.

The White Crane Immortal Sect really struck gold!

Not only that, he also inherited the Heavenly Sword Legacy. Given time, the rise of the White Crane Immortal Sect is inevitable!

Considering Lin Chen's attitude and actions towards our group, it's apparent he is a person with a gentle heart who cares for others' feelings.

What a blessing for the White Crane Immortal Sect!

Lin Chen blinked, the golden light in his eyes receded, his golden pupils gradually returned to their normal color, and the formidable image of the Eight-Armed Arhat in his pupils slowly disappeared.

Lin Chen stood up and bowed, saying: "Thank you, Senior, for your guidance!"