Chapter 1384 - Over 20 Human Immortals, What Are You Afraid Of! _1

Lin Chen's gaze cooled a few degrees.

They were all waiting for him.

A large crowd formed an arc around him, besieging Lin Chen and all the disciples of the White Crane Immortal Sect.

Behind them was the Heart Valley Barrier they could no longer enter, in front were more than twenty Human Immortals. The hearts of the disciples of Baiyun Immortal Sect suddenly turned cold.

They had harvested a whole swath of Mi Moon Peaches in the peach forest inside. Their gains were plentiful, but in a blink of an eye, they found themselves trapped in a desperate situation.

With so many Human Immortals and an overwhelming advantage, combined with several grudges among them, what was happening now was not just a robbery, but it was turning into a massacre.

Orders were done!

Unconsciously, the disciples all looked to Lin Chen, instinctively turning to him for support in this moment of crisis.

Lin Chen's face was calm without fear, but his eyes were suffused with cold murderous intent.