Chapter 1385: Just a bunch of despicable people, riffraff!_1

Qi Jun ignored the contemptuous glances from the crowd and floated back to a safe distance.

With so many people fighting over one person, even if they really seize him, how much of him could each person get?

Qi Jun decided to trust his intuition.

After all, when Lin Chen makes a move, it's not ordinarily brutal!

Should one take a gamble?

The type that could lead to death?

Qi Jun wouldn't dare to gamble!

He only wanted to watch the show!

He believed that no matter what happened, as long as he wasn't involved, no trouble would come his way!

Huang Tao from Wan He Sect sneered, "What, by the sound of it, you're pretty confident. Are you ready to take on more than twenty of us all by yourself?"

Lin Chen answered calmly, "Since you all want to rob and kill me, and are not being reasonable, I can't just sit and wait for death. I must at least give it a try. Who knows, I might succeed?"