Chapter 1386: Eight-Armed Arhat, Suppressing Heaven and Earth_1

As soon as Huang Tao and Gongsun Hai made a move, the others immediately followed suit, bringing out their magical treasures and launching an attack on Lin Chen. For a moment, the entire area was filled with flying treasures.

Even though Lin Chen had an abnormality, it was clear that he couldn't withstand a full onslaught from over twenty human immortals. With a step, he used the technique of reducing land to inches and in an instant, his body disappeared from the original place.

Even though these human immortals had the means to blockade space, such blockades depended on the power differences. If the strength gap between the two sides was too large, they could neutralize the other party's actions. But everyone here was a human immortal, and Lin Chen's strength was no weaker than theirs.

Their space blockade could at best cause a little obstruction to Lin Chen, but they couldn't completely seal him off.