Chapter 1503: Is There an Even Stronger Move? _1

"My God, aren't they going to use any magical treasures? Are they just going to take it straight on with their bodies?"

"Lin Chen's strength appears to be in the Human Immortal Realm, how is he so strong?"

"This is too exaggerated."

"Going by the Golden Light, it seems Zeng Tongxiu might be a bit stronger, but why does Lin Chen seem so nonchalant about it?"

"Lin Chen did inherit the Heavenly Sword Inheritance; he must have some abilities after all. No wonder he dared to call for a fight to the death directly, it seems he has extreme confidence in his strength. Have you noticed, his Magical Treasure isn't glowing at all?"

During the explosion, Lin Chen punched the Nine-Sectioned Golden Whip, sending it flying far away as though it had lost control.

Lin Chen suspends himself in mid-air, as casually as swatting a fly: "No wonder you dare not fight me to the death. You admit your incompetence. Is this all you got?"