Chapter 1504 Do you think everyone treats you like your father and lets you do as you wish!?_1

A Seal Container!

Lin Chen instantly realized that there was a violent attack by a powerhouse sealed inside that Jade Cicada, which was a one-use consumable.

When the Jade Cicada broke, the sealed violent attack was triggered, targeting the enemy with a ferocious hit.

This blow was powerful, but Lin Chen estimated that with the protection of his Liuli Qiankun Umbrella, Wooden Talisman, Ink Silkworm Robe, and his own sword strengths, he could totally take it.

But Lin Chen chose not to!

Despite the ability to evade, why should he endure it?

Hidden cards should remain hidden unless they have to be revealed, and should be exposed as little as possible!

Just as the overwhelming and dominant strike rushed toward Lin Chen, he casually sidestepped, avoiding the attack.

A Dao pattern appeared under Lin Chen's foot, where he disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had already moved more than a mile away.