Chapter 1567: Come, I'll Show You a Magic Trick!_1

Lin Chen stepped through space, moving backwards in an instant to directly appear behind the white-haired man.

The moment he emerged from the air, Lin Chen had already raised his hand, with the Black Dragon Ring targeting the white-haired man close at hand.

With a flicker of his heart and mind, spiritual Qi erupted!

Black Dragon Wave!

A black dragon shadow rolled up and the spiritual Qi surged out like a savage blade storm, sweeping through everything, destroying everything.

This attack from Lin Chen was extremely sudden.

The white-haired man had been hunting Lin Chen, priding himself as a hunter, and in his eyes Lin Chen was nothing more than a lamb awaiting slaughter. What else could a lamb do when chased by a hunter, other than flee for its life?

He had not expected at all that Lin Chen would actually initiate a counterattack, and so swiftly at that.