Chapter 1568: Not dead yet? Then Let's do it again! _1

The bell toll echoed between Heaven and Earth, a sound that seized the soul.

The white-haired man was close by, feeling a buzzing in his head as if a nuclear bomb had exploded inside it. In an instant, the golden light around his primordial spirit vanished, and his body started making creaking sounds.

Who am I?

Where am I?

The white-haired man was stupefied momentarily, his head was buzzing and his primordial spirit was severely injured, his mind was a blank void.

One second!

The white-haired man regained his sanity, the first thing that surged in his mind was intense terror.

What has happened?

How did I lose consciousness?

What is the situation now?

He widened his eyes in terror, his pupils suddenly contracting.

Lin Chen was merely ten meters away from him. In his sight, a black dragon was roaring, alarmingly close!

The sight of the white-haired man was dominated by darkness; his entire primordial spirit had been entirely swallowed by the Black Dragon Wave.